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I Love Me! Quirky, goofy, lovely and loving... Trying to find my fashion voice as I stumble through the streets of Las Vegas... My life. My style. My Ups. My Downs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mixing Prints...

Hello Lovelies,

I went to a family dinner, which happens every 1st Sunday of the month. I noticed that I don't always pick the best locations for photos. Welp, let's add that to my list. Along with not forgetting my camera, soooo I can stop taking pictures on my iPhone.

I love this outfit! It was comfy and cute. While I follow trends, as far as knowing what they are and all the upcoming season new trends, I don't pick my outfits around them or for the season's trend. However, I really wanted to mix prints to see if I could make it work and I did!

Random: It also hard for people who shop often to say they don't follow trends or wear trendy items, because most stores put the lastest trends on their shelves. (Just a random thought.)

The labels:
Jeans- Forever 21

These shoes were all the rage for the older generation. They said it reminded them of the huge platform shoes from the 70s. They weren't sure if they liked them or not, but I love them!! I think it all depends on how you style them. I am going to try to wear them when it gets a little warmer with some black knee high socks, denim shorts and a white boyfriend t-shirt. I will blog it, if I do.


No Lines!

Hello Lovelies,

Soooo I totally forgot that I had to renew my car registration. I know terrible, right? I had to have it by Monday, but I had to work. Soooo I had no idea what I should do, then my boyfriend said maybe the kiosk would still be open. He was right!! The kiosks are open 24 hours a day, who would think that the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) would make life that easy.

Anywho, I figured I would do a little Outfit of the Day (OOTD) in the parking lot.

The Labels:
Button Up, Ring and Jeans- Forever 21
Cardy- H&M
Shoes- Boutique in Miami
The purse I'm wearing came out of a Viva La Juicy Gift basket the mister bought me. (I wish I had the picture but my iPhone deleted almost of my pictures and I have no idea how or why, but hey no biggie.)

Thanks for checking out another OOTD!

-Muah Loves!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Acting Like a Tourist!

Soooo what did I tell you! Round of applause for The Lovely Tasha P! I'm back and no 2 month gap in between:)

I kind of cheated though, shhhh, don't tell its our secret! I took these awhile back, when the mister mister and I went to see a show at the Mirage. In hind sight, I would have used starch but hey, you live and you learn.

Here is the outfit:

Soooo what's the labels:
Jacket- Forever 21
Shirt and Skirt- Fashion Q
Shoes- Steven by Steve Madden

In meantime, see you in another post at another time.
